NEW REPORT: Can IoT Packaging Unlock Last-Mile Certainty?

An estimated 52 percent of consumers worldwide are now using Intelligence of Things (IoT) devices. However, even as smart devices become more present in consumers’ homes, researchers and consumers alike are raising concerns.

Bad actors are upping malware attacks against home IoT devices. Recent researchers also revealed new ways fraudsters could exploit Amazon Alexa users.

In the September Intelligence of Things Tracker™, PYMNTS explores the latest research on IoT security, as well as new partnerships and initiatives aimed at improving security and encouraging greater adoption of IoT.

Around The IoT World

New IoT security solutions could be coming out of a recent partnership between Munich-based Infineon, a semiconductor and microelectronics company, and the Alibaba Cloud computing company. The pair is working together to develop security solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), as well as advance IoT adoption among smart cities and businesses in China.

It was a busy month for Infineon, as the company also looked to partner with Chinese eCommerce company The collaboration is an effort to develop more IoT applications for smart homes and other purposes, according to the companies. The deal calls for JD to use Infineon’s chips in its IoT products, such as smart speakers and server solutions, and to turn to Infineon for technical support on data connectivity, storage and analysis.

Partnership isn’t enough for software and processor provider Arm, however. The company recently snapped up enterprise data management company Treasure Data. With the acquisition expanding its capabilities, Arm now plans to create a horizontal IoT platform to help businesses connect and manage IoT devices and data flows.

Unpacking Smart Packaging’s Insights And Engagement Promises

When consumers pick up an item in-store, they often look to the product’s packaging to learn about product care details or nutritional facts. However, some believe packaging can do a whole lot more.

Stora Enso Chief Information Officer Teemu Salmi and EVRYTHNG CEO Niall Murphy are both proponents of intelligent packaging, which gives products digital identities that smartphone-wielding consumers can access when interacting with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag or printed, scannable code on the package. These digitally equipped smart packages will not only enable consumers to purchase the items in a cashier-free retail model, the executives claimed, but allow brands to track when items are sold.

In this month’s feature story, PYMNTS caught up with Salmi and Murphy to learn how smarter packaging can improve customer relationships and provide businesses with insights, such as supply chain visibility and real-time product sales data.

To read the full story, download the Tracker.

 About The Tracker

The Intelligence of Things Tracker™ showcases companies that are leading the way in all aspects of IoT. Every month, the Tracker looks at what these companies are doing across the ecosystem and in several categories, including Personal, Home, Retail, Transportation, Wearable, Mobile, Infrastructure, Data and more.