It’s always smart to keep a sharp eye on one’s finances, and for that reason, we produce PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Personal Finance Apps to make it easier.
We’ve seen a good deal of movement since our last check-in, so follow along as we run the ranking and see what’s happened in just the past month with these helpful apps.
Still the chart-topper at No. 1 it’s the Chime app.
New at No. 2 is Fidelity, rising one spot.
That gain came at the expense of Robinhood, now ranked at No. 3.
Albert Save And Spend Smarter holds onto its No. 4 position.
The big shakeup? Emma Budget Manager climbs two chart positions and enters the Top 5 at No. 5.
Sticking at No. 6 for another cycle is the Mint app, now joined there by the Empower app, which tumbles out of the Top 5.
A new tie has formed at No. 7 as the Acorns app gains two spots and the MyWisely app gains one.
SoFi is up one chart position with No. 8 all to itself.
Same deal with Spendee Budget & Money Tracker, rising one spot to No. 9.
Taking us out with a tie at No. 10 we’ve got Wallet Daily Budget & Profit, already so-ranked, now joined by the AndroMoney app, entering the Top 10 at No. 10.