Apple has reportedly acquired augmented reality (AR) headset maker Mira. The tech company retained at least 11 employees from the acquired firm, The Verge reported Tuesday (June 6), citing unnamed sources. Mira makes headsets used by Nintendo World for its Mario Kart rides and by the U.S. Air Force...
Some customers of Apple’s savings account have reportedly found it difficult to move their money out. In one case, a customer who deposited $100,000 found it took three weeks to transfer it elsewhere, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Thursday (June 1). Apple’s savings account was launched in...
Apple is reportedly planning a new iPhone interface in the style of a smart home display. The interface, which will show information like notifications, calendar appointments and weather, is part of several new features for the iOS 17 software update, Bloomberg reported Wednesday (May 24). This view...
It was another busy week for artificial intelligence (AI). As noted in a Saturday (May 6) Seeking Alpha report, the technology continued to capture the attention of Wall Street, with both the CEO of Apple and the head of the Federal Trade Commission expressing concerns. Per the report, Apple chief...
Hardware’s growing — specifically, the phones — but for Apple, services are slowing. Drilling down into the Q2 results, the tech giant’s iPhone revenue was $51.3 billion, up from $50.6 billion a year ago, against a backdrop where industrywide smartphone sales declined. The demand for...
Developers may soon be able to offer links enabling payments outside Apple’s App Store. A United States appeals court upheld an earlier ruling in a case that said Apple can no longer prohibit such links, which developers want to use to avoid paying sales commissions...
Apple is reportedly developing a wellness-oriented journaling app. The iPhone app will help users record their daily activities and thoughts and aims to provide mental and physical benefits, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Friday (April 21), citing company documents it had viewed. Apple did...
Apple’s Indian sales have reportedly jumped almost 50% amid a retail push in that country. A report by Bloomberg News Monday (April 17) citing unnamed sources said the company had seen sales of almost $6 billion in the year through March. The report notes that Apple is...
Apple has debuted a Goldman Sachs savings account for Apple Card users. The account offers users a “high-yield APY of 4.15 percent — a rate that’s more than 10 times the national average,” the company said in its Monday (April 17) announcement. According to the...