Dealing with Durbin Strategy #1: Innovative Solutions from eBillme’s CEO’s new series, “Dealing with Durbin,” will explore angles for how financial institutions can move forward in light of the Federal Reserve’s final rules for debit reform. First up is one of the top entrepreneurs in payments, eBillme CEO Marwan Forzley, who brainstorms with Market Platform Dynamics founder David S. Evans innovative ideas for FIs to recoup revenue in the face of new debit interchange caps.

Related: The Fed’s Final Debit Rules: Did Anyone Win?

Executive Bios


David S. Evans, founder of Market Platform Dynamics, has been a business advisor to many payment companies around the world. He is the author of Paying with Plastic: The Digital Revolution in Buying and Borrowing which is the definitive source on the payments industry. (Read more)

The creator of eBillme, Marwan Forzley is respected as an expert in payments. Marwan is frequently called on to comment on the evolving dynamics of the industry with major publications including: CNN Money, Fox News, Internet Retailer, Forbes, Business Week and the eCommerce Times. (Read more)