Our 2012 Payments Resolutions – Agree or Disagree?

Check out the full list of resolutions from the Market Platform Dynamics team below and feel free to share your own at the end as well!  

David Evans (Founder) 

• Gonna use the Starbucks iPhone app to pay for my coffee everyday – what better way to understand the consumer experience for the future of mobile payments.

• Encourage card networks and issuers to be a lot nicer to merchants -much of the revolution in payments in going to require innovation at the point of sale, and merchants need to be significant players in that.

• Finish the 3rd edition of Paying with Plastic (really!)

Tim Attinger (Managing Director)

Here are a few from the Left Coast:

• In the New Year, I will strive to remember that consumers do not care about technology – they care about experiences. As we work to make mobile payments a reality, I will focus more on the value I deliver to a consumer than on the technology that enables it.

• I promise to remember that the value I deliver to a retailer with my “daily deals” marketing platform is directly related to the number of times I can turn a first-time customer into a repeat customer.

• I will work harder to open my payments platform to new, external innovators, understanding that in order to drive new growth with open platforms, changing your mindset and organization to support external innovation is just as important as the changes you must make to your technology.

Andrew Morris (Director)

I will consider the merchant’s point of view when developing and bringing innovative payment solutions to market (since they are the paying customers)…

It’s quite amazing, in many respects, that we need to be reminded as innovators in payments that merchants are ultimately the ones that pay the bills. But even ISIS, a mobile payments joint venture of leading mobile operators (each of which is also a Top 100 U.S. retailer and among the world’s largest recurring billers) has lost its way at times in terms of how the company’s value proposition was presented to merchants. If 2012 is to realize its promise as the year that mobile payments hits the mainstream, and for these new models to be sustainable, then retailers will need to receive value from the new solutions that is equal or greater to their initial and ongoing investment.

Thad Peterson (Managing Director)

• I will do what I can to move loyalty up the value stream to the point of transaction, so that customer behavior can actually be rewarded as the behavior is being exhibited.

• I will not hold my breath waiting for the world to figure out what to do with mobile payments, because I would die if I did.

• I will envision the world as a seamless ecosystem of customer intent, shopping and spending behavior, value delivery from merchants, and information delivery and utilization from payment providers and those who support them.

Margaret Weichert (Managing Director)

Keep Testing Mobile Marketing Apps (but not while driving) – Much like exercising, sometimes it takes a lot of time to show results. This has been my experience with the 20+ mobile marketing apps I have tested this year. Most were disappointing and take up too much memory. But with persistence, my practice has started to pay off, and 2012 looks to be a promising year for mobile marketing. One recent favorite: Foursquare’s American Express Card registration is starting to add up to real value, with $10 off at places I actually want to visit, like my local nail salon. I also loved the T.J. Maxx/Shazam marketing campaign that allowed me to “Shazam” a television commercial, and customize and download free Christmas carols that I could share on Twitter, Facebook and via email. The download also made it easy to buy T.J. Maxx gift cards right from my mobile phone.