
Will The Brexit Take A Bite Out Of Apple?
July 07, 2016

Adding to Apple’s recent woes are mounting concerns that the looming exit of the U.K. from the E.U. will have a rather unfortunate effect on Apple’s bottom line. Wall Street has already dialed down its expectations for iPhone sales when Apple announces its Q2 earnings...

Apple’s Spotify Subscription Rules Spat
July 04, 2016

Tech giant Apple has issued a heated three-page response to a letter from streaming music company Spotify which had accused Apple of putting in place App Store policies that are ‘anticompetitive.’ Spotify had sent the ‘anticompetitive’ accusation letter to Apple earlier last week, after Apple...

iMessage Is Opening Up For Square Cash Users (Soon)
June 14, 2016

Coming soon to an iPhone near you (literally, most likely to the one in your hand that you are reading this on right now) — Square Cash, via Apple‘s iMessage service. As part and parcel of the announcements out of WWDC yesterday (June 13), Square...

Why The Experts Can’t Seem To Agree On WWDC
June 14, 2016

Apple has almost always been a company that has elicited strong feelings — from customers, from non-customers, from tech journalists. Until recently, those feelings were more or less positive and mostly based in adulation. Of late, with falling hardware sales and its air of invincibility...

Live Coverage of WWDC 2016
June 13, 2016

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 16) kicks off today, June 13, at 10 a.m. PST. PYMNTS will be following along to provide live coverage of the announcements to learn what Apple might reveal about Apple Pay, the App Store’s new Subscription model and more. Follow...

What Apple Didn’t Tell You Last Week
June 13, 2016

This piece will give you important insight that hasn’t been covered about Apple’s developer announcement last week. So, keep reading. I promise it will be worth it. But we have to get into the right frame of mind – and for that we must first...

Next-Gen iPhones To Have Intel Inside
June 13, 2016

The next generation of the Apple iPhone will be powered by Intel’s modem, instead of chips produced by Qualcomm, the sole provider and powerhouse of iPhone’s communication component that processes voice and data signals. Initially, the Intel modem will only be available in AT&T-based iPhones and in...

The Apple App Store Goes On Sale
June 09, 2016

Some big changes are at hand for the Apple App Store, as multiple reports are emerging that Apple is looking in earnest for ways to wring more revenue out of it. Those reports also reflect a necessity for those more diverse revenue streams since, these...

UK Retailers Allowing Uncapped Apple Pay Transactions
June 06, 2016

Apple Pay should, theoretically, have an easier time of things in the U.K., where NFC-enabled payment terminals are far more common due to the prevalence of contactless cards. But it also seems to face a unique stumbling block as well. Contactless payments in the U.K...