Smart Device Identification for Cloud-Based Fraud Prevention

Alisdair Faulkner
Chief Products Officer

Click here to download your free copy of ThreatMetrix’s latest whitepaper.

Device Identification, using a visitor’s computer to provide additional fraud prevention and authentication intelligence, remains the most effective first perimeter of defense to protect online transactions including payments, logins and registrations. Benefits include:


– Zero customer imposition, providing passive two factor authentication for online transactions without requiring software or hardware tokens or challenge questions.

– Not relying on the collection of personal identifying information (PII)

– Stops first-time fraud attempts based on device anomalies and global behavior.


Unfortunately since first generation device identification technologies were introduced the world has changed dramatically with an increase in the sophistication and globalization of cybercrime and a corresponding increase in exposure to enterprise fraud, risk and security teams.

In this whitepaper you will learn about reasons to upgrade basic device identification and fingerprinting methods. Read full report