Apple Confirms WWDC Keynote, New Product Announcement Expected

Thought it has become standard procedure for Apple to lead off the World Wide Developers Conference with a keynote speech, the polymath tech company has only now just confirmed that it will be delivering their WWOC keynote on Monday June 2, 2014, reports 9to5mac. CEO Tim Cook will likely lead the presentation, with an assist from Senior VPs Craig Federighi and Eddy Cue, who may have some new software and services announcements.
Widely expected are a completely redesigned version of OS X (now in its 10th instantiation—making it mac OS X.X) plus an enhancement filled iOS 8. Enhancements will in include new Healthbook fitness tracking software and improved maps. 
As for hardware, speculation includes the Apple smart watch, Apple TVs and the MacBook retina. The eye-aware desktop computer is widely considered to be the mostly likely new hardware announcements. 


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