Chad Verdi: Biometrics, Mobile Moves To The Fore In 2014

Investor and film producer Chad Verdi recently gave an interview detailing his thoughts on the big topics of the day: Mobile, biometrics and technology innovation as a whole.

Besides his work in the U.S. film industry, Verdi is a holder of Apple stock. He says the company is pushing biometrics security forward and that this type of technology will become much more common in the months and years ahead.

“Biometric technology is still all the buzz this year, and I have it in my investment with NXTD and with my shares in Apple and its fingerprint recognition, and now they are working on facial recognition as well,” he said.

Want to learn more biometrics and smartphones may be the keys to simplifying online checkouts while keeping them secure? Click here to download a special report on the topic.

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