How Good Is Your Relationship With Your Food Supplier?

As a procurement professional in the hospitality industry, it is critical to look at the relationship with your suppliers. That way, you can ensure the safety of your end users and rest assured that the entire process will run smoothly. That is the advice given by Lynx Purchasing managing director John Pinder in a recent company report.

“As consumers become increasingly interested in the provenance of their food, more of the operators we work with are asking us to link them with suppliers that share the same values and commitment,” Pinder explained, adding that the horse meat scandal from last year is a huge determinate in consumers thinking that operators might not be asking their suppliers the right questions.

Pinder contributed to the Lynx Purchasing Summer 2014 Market Forecast, and said that beef production is “behind demand” in the U.S. for the first time in many years. Because of that, beef in South America is being diverted to make up the shortfall.

With that issue at hand, and other questions arising in the quality of certain types of food, Pinder urged procurement professionals to create as close of a relationship as possible with suppliers.

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