In an effort to improve fleet driver behavior, ProSight Specialty Insurance announced last week that it is offering a suite of technology from SmartDrive to many of its commercial vehicle customers.
According to a recent Insurance & Technology article, the suit is being offered to ProSight’s policy holders free of charge, and incorporates third-party GPS, in- and out-of-vehicle cameras and accelerometers with the on-board vehicle computer and back-end analytics to record and evaluate on-the-road incidents.
ProSight Director of Partnerships and Services Matt Rogers explained that the value proposition is that driver coaching and monitoring can help customers reduce their deductible and maintenance costs.
“As a fleet manager, you get a lot of soft benefits here with reduced claims, and you also get this better version of control and efficiency,” Rogers said.
Additionally, the carrier wanted to give fleet managers something would help them, while also benefitting the insurer by having fewer claims filed.
Updated management systems are becoming more crucial in the fleet sector. Earlier this month, Navman Wireless USA announced that it had added electronic driver log and driver vehicle inspection reporting (DVIR) options to its OnlineAVL2 fleet tracking system.
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