Kenya to Launch e-Procurement Service

In an effort to automate and streamline Government financial management processes and procedures, the Kenyan National Treasury is switching to electronic procurement. Henry Rotich, Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury, said e-procurement, when implemented under the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), will provide an efficient and streamlined purchasing and payment system by fully automating the process.

“This will increase control and visibility over the entire life-cycle of a procurement transaction from procurement planning to payment. Electronic procurement will therefore play a key role in prudent government financial management and resource allocation,” Rotich said during the opening of the Supplier Training and Sensitization Forum in Nairobi yesterday.

The Cabinet Secretary said that training and sensitization of suppliers is being conducted in readiness for the roll out of a fully automated process.

The changes will end the manual procurement challenges the country has had in the past. The IFMIS system is now well established and has been rolled out to MDAs and Counties. IFMIS is at the center of government financial management in areas of planning, budgeting, expenditure management and procurement among others. Key procurement functions have been configured in the IFMIS system ready for implementation, including, procurement planning, supplier management, requisition management, quotation management, purchase order (PO) management, receipt management as well as invoicing and payments management, inventory management, contract management, reconciliations and period end close.

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