
MasterCard Hosts Innovation Forum In Singapore

This week, 400 hundred MasterCard partners from Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa gathered in Singapore to talk payments innovation.

Big data, mobile payments, digital convergence, financial inclusion and payments security were all among the big ideas discussed by the members MasterCard brought together.  Delegates were also given an opportunity  to get some first-hand experience with the technology, products and services that are changing the way people shop online all over the world at the MasterCArd Showcase.

MasterCard also rolled out its Priceless Engine, a new platform for marketing that allows the brand to share insights with its bank partners to help them deliver the right offers to their customers at the right time.

The Priceless Engine will see MasterCard leverage its depth of analytic capabilities to help its partner banks understand consumer sentiment and trends based on social conversations; track engagement and transactions on campaigns to translate these findings into meaningful feedback; create and share content across borders to increase scale; and finally analyze data in real-time.