In many countries, engineering and manufacturing are key to economic growth. However, according to a recent study that was commissioned by DHL Supply Chain, engineering and manufacturing firms (E&M) across the globe are trailing 10 years behind other sectors in terms of supply chain development.
The report’s author, Lisa Harrington, explained in a statement that change won’t come easily to this industry. Many organizations have been around for over 80 years, she said, and often have a “business as usual” mindset, which could prevent them from wanting to move forward.
“But it is imperative that they transform their supply chains in order to meet the demands of modern business with its onus on faster, leaner and more resilient operations,” she said. “Those that do so can use their newly discovered logistical capability as an offensive weapon against competitors who fail to adjust.”
DHL Supply Chain VP of global sector development for automotive, engineering and manufacturing Andy Ramsden said that more forward-thinking E&M companies are going to be given a great chance where they can leap over supply chain development. According to Ramsden, automotive and consumer goods sector companies have already adapted to the changing technologies and have developed an organized model. The E&M organizations that are able to similarly adapt will find the most success, Ramsden said.
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