Spanish Law: No More Paper Bill Charges!

As of June 13, Spanish operators can no longer apply surcharges for issuing paper invoices to their customers. This is because the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users went into effect, according to a recent Telecompaper article.

According to the news source, the law gives consumers the right to choose the billing format that best suits their personal needs and circumstances. Furthermore, they cannot be charged extra for the privilege of receiving a printed invoice.

“Following complaints from consumer associations that around 13 million users in Spain are not yet prepared to receive electronic bills due to factors such as the inability to access the internet, advanced age and disability, the government has now taken steps to ensure that their rights are covered,” the news source explained.

Telecompaper added that Vodafone Spain already confirmed that as of June 13, customers who receive paper bills can continue to receive them at no extra cost.

Just last month, discussed the global rise of e-invoicing. According to data from Research and Markets, the global e-invoicing market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 23.3 percent through 2018. 

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