Survey: Value-Based Payments Could Double In Five Years

A recent survey found that by the year 2019, of the existing value-based models, pay-for-performance (P4P) will experience the highest growth rate. P4P is forecast to increase from 10 percent today to 18 percent in five years for payers. In that same time frame, it is expected to increase from 9 percent to 21 percent for hospitals/health systems.

The survey was conducted by ORC International and commissioned by McKesson Health Solutions. According to Health IT Outcomes, high-level executives from 114 payers and 350 hospitals/health systems were questioned about the value-based models they currently use.

The survey also found that 90 percent of payers and 81 percent of health systems/hospitals are already using a mix of value-based reimbursement models combined with fee-for-service.

Dr. David Nace, McKesson’s medical director, explained to the news source that the findings indicate a change in health care reimbursements, a change in attitude, and a call for action.

“For stakeholders, it really is a matter of taking action now or risk being left behind, as dollars increasingly flow towards value-based models,” Nace said, adding that stakeholders consider the seven steps payers, providers, and clinicians can start making to work towards value-based reimbursement models.

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