Today In Payments: Olo’s IPO To Raise $450M; Chime Preps For IPO, Valuation Could Reach $30 Billion

Today in Payments

In today’s top news, Olo is expected to raise $450 million in its initial public offering (IPO), and Chime could IPO within the year. Plus, Mastercard and Visa have postponed their planned interchange fee hikes.

Olo Prices Shares At $25 – IPO To Raise $450M

ResTech platform Olo priced its stock at $25 a share for its IPO, which is expected to begin trading Wednesday (March 17) and close Friday, March 19. The IPO is expected to raise $450 million for the firm, which helps restaurants manage online ordering and delivery.

Chime Preps For IPO, Valuation Could Reach $30 Billion

Chime is holding early talks with investment banks on a new stock market flotation, which could value the startup at over $30 billion. The financial technology (FinTech) platform wants to be ready for an IPO within a year.

Mastercard And Visa Postpone Planned US Interchange Hikes

Mastercard and Visa announced on Tuesday (March 16) that they have each postponed planned hikes in interchange fees until April 2022. They each cited the current fragility of the U.S. economy as to why they were delaying the changes by a year.

PayPal, Flutterwave Deal Targets African Market

Flutterwave is collaborating with PayPal so that PayPal customers can pay African merchants through the financial technology (FinTech) startup’s platform. The arrangement, which will be available in 50 African countries, will eliminate a barrier to cross-border commerce in the region.

NEW DATA: Three Payment Innovations That Keep Doctors’ Cash Flows Healthy

Only one-quarter of consumers log onto their healthcare providers’ websites to pay their medical bills. In the Healthcare Payments Innovation Playbook, PYMNTS surveyed more than 2,000 consumers to learn which three payment options can motivate patients to pay digitally and, in turn, help physicians better manage their practice’s cash flow.

Digital River CEO: Back-End Processing Takes Lead Role In Cross-Border Payments

If eCommerce merchants want to play globally, there’s no shortage of opportunity or complexity. Digital River CEO Adam Coyle told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster that a new focus on a collaborative back-end processing model is lowering the barriers — and the trepidation — often associated with global expansion and local payment processing.

Pandemic Donuts Uses Social Commerce, Delivery To Thrive

While many have lost their jobs because of the global pandemic, others have found it an opportunity to start something new — even opening a new business. The founders and owners of Denver-based Pandemic Donuts spoke with PYMNTS about launching a doughnut delivery service amid the pandemic, and how they advertised, engaged with customers, and grew their business through social media.