India-based business management software provider Tally Solutions is debuting a new service, TallyPrime Release 1.1, to help boost eInvoicing as a mandate for companies rolls out, a report from ExpressComputer.In says.
Tally Solutions Managing Director Tejas Goenka said the new service would help as India begins to force companies to adopt electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) in the next few months.
Goenka said the company has “been working to ensure that our customers have a smooth experience through this journey.”
“We are soon releasing TallyPrime Release 1.1 that provides an end to end connected eInvoicing capability, and in the meantime we have already begun to engage with and educate thousands of businesses on the impact to their business and what they can do about it,” Goenka said, according to the report.
In the new service, Tally will communicate with the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) in order to send invoices in real time. After authentication, it will receive the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) and QR code details from the IRP, then updating accordingly. The process, according to the report, will be seamless and the business owner will be able to print the QR code and IRN as part of the normal invoicing process with ease.
The software will also help generate e-way bill numbers for transactions where that applies.
With Tally, entrepreneurs will gain access to more visibility on transactions, and will have the ability to manage exceptions with a special eInvoice report and IRN register. The report also clarifies that Tally users will remain in control of their processes, with alerts making sure redundancy is cut out and making sure only the latest data is shared.
India’s electronic invoice mandate has been introduced by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Custom (CBIC), intending to require corporates to adopt eInvoicing. The mandate is a hopeful initiative to help do away with goods and service tax evasion and to promote transparency in B2B trading.