Today In Food: Grocery Hurtles Toward Its Digital Future

online grocery

Today in restaurant and grocery news, ridesharing platform Bolt gets hundreds of millions to power its eGrocery expansion as venture capital pours in for grocery delivery solutions. Plus,  Swisslog talks micro-fulfillment.

Bolt Raises $713M For E-Grocery As Businesses Across Industries Enter The Space

Estonia-based global ridesharing platform Bolt is no longer just competing with Uber for rides — with the company’s latest fundraise, it will also go up against Uber Eats in the online grocery delivery space.

VCs Risk Creating eGrocery Bubble

It has been a big month for online grocery, with funding pouring in by the billions for new and existing companies to grow their grocery delivery capabilities. On Monday (Aug. 2), Estonia-based multinational mobility platform Bolt announced a 600 million euro fundraise (about $713 million) to get into ultra-fast online grocery delivery. The news follows a slew of other eGrocery investments around the world.

Cuomo Wants New York Businesses To Require COVID Vaccine

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asked bar and restaurant owners and other private business leaders to require all patrons to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination before they’re allowed to enter after seeing a “fourfold” increase in daily positive cases to more than 2,000 in the last month.

MFCs Shift The Focus Of Online Grocery To Long-Term Growth

In the past year and a half, many grocers have adopted digital solutions that can make ends meet in the short term, but that may not have much staying power. Colman Roche, vice president of eCommerce and retail at logistics solutions provider Swisslog, spoke with PYMNTS about how micro-fulfillment technology can make e-grocery work for years to come.