Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
Security Summit Alerts Tax Professionals to Growing Threat of Identity Theft
July 24, 2024

The Security Summit has issued a stern warning to tax professionals, urging them to heighten their awareness of indicators of identity theft as part of the ongoing “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself,” initiative. The IRS and its coalition of partners emphasized the shifting strategies of...

Security & Fraud
Mastercard Doubles Fraud Detection Rate With Generative AI
July 24, 2024

Mastercard has unveiled a new approach to identify compromised payment cards, leveraging a combination of generative artificial intelligence and graph technology. The company reports that this method has doubled its detection rate for compromised cards before they can be used fraudulently. The new technique could...

Security & Fraud
Report: Revolut Leads UK Scam Complaints Amid APP Fraud Surge
July 21, 2024

Revolut has reportedly denied thousands of British customers reimbursement requests after they were defrauded. This has led many of these consumers to seek help from the U.K.’s Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), Bloomberg News reported Saturday (July 20).  The report cited data from the FOS showing...

Security & Fraud
Intellicheck CEO: Fraudsters Using AT&T’s Call Log Breach to Build Consumer Profiles
July 19, 2024

The right customer data, in the right hands, can have a transformative impact on businesses. But in the wrong hands, the same sensitive information can be leveraged by bad actors and cybercriminals with catastrophic and increasingly costly outcomes. “If you think about what bad guys...

Security & Fraud
Pindrop Raises $100 Million in Battle Against Deepfake Calls
July 17, 2024

Voice authentication and security firm Pindrop has raised $100 million in debt financing. The funding, announced Wednesday (July 17) and coming from Hercules Capital, allows Pindrop to further develop its audio, voice, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for customers in industries that include banking, finance,...

Security & Fraud
Exclusive: Banks Explore Shared Data to Enhance Scam Detection Capabilities
July 17, 2024

As online scams and financial crimes continue to surge at the halfway point of 2024, banks and payment companies are ramping up efforts to protect consumers and their own bottom lines. At the forefront are new technology solutions and a call for greater collaboration and...

Security & Fraud
IRS Warns Tax Pros of ‘Barrage’ of Phishing Scams
July 16, 2024

The IRS is warning tax professionals of a rise in scams designed to steal taxpayer information. The tax agency and its “Security Summit” partners — a group of state tax agencies and private tax industry organizations — said Tuesday (July 16) they are seeing a...

Security & Fraud
US Agencies Warn Financial Institutions About Mexico-Based Timeshare Fraud Schemes
July 16, 2024

Federal agencies are warning financial institutions about timeshare fraud schemes associated with Mexico-based transnational criminal organizations. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), jointly with the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the FBI, released a notice on the topic Tuesday (July...

Security & Fraud
AutoNation: CDK Hack Will Hurt Earnings
July 15, 2024

The impact of the hack on car dealership software firm CDK Global continues to reverberate. AutoNation, one of the largest dealership chains in the country, warned on Monday (July 15) that the cyberattack will impact its second quarter earnings by $1.50 per share. The company...