Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
Almost All of AT&T’s Wireless Customers Hacked as Snowflake Breach Snowballs
July 12, 2024

The interconnected global operating landscape has never held more opportunity for businesses. Or more threats. Gaining a deeper understanding of the threat landscape and the top tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of ransomware gangs is increasingly crucial for firms. News broke Friday (July 12) that...

Security & Fraud
AT&T Says Call, Text Records of ‘Nearly All’ Customers Stolen
July 12, 2024

AT&T said Friday (July 12) that records of calls and texts of nearly all its wireless customers and others using its network were stolen in a cybersecurity incident. The stolen records identify the telephone numbers with which the wireless numbers of AT&T or mobile virtual...

Security & Fraud
Firms Look to Mitigate Consequences From Data Breaches
July 11, 2024

The interconnected nature of financial systems can have cascading consequences when data is compromised. And with the recent news that the June cyber breach at Evolve Bank & Trust has reportedly impacted upwards of 7.6 million customers, containing the impact of a single data breach...

Security & Fraud
Sonar Launches Service Identifying Compromised Customer Data
July 10, 2024

Fraud data sharing consortium Sonar has launched a new service that helps banks and FinTechs verify if their customer data has been compromised in a breach or used for fraudulent activities. This new service, Red Flag, allows organizations to proactively check if an account’s credentials are...

Security & Fraud
OCC Head: ‘Tried-and-True Scams’ Remain Common in Financial Fraud
July 10, 2024

Banks can help combat fraud targeting consumers by verifying the accuracy of transactions, educating the public, and maintaining strong controls and fraud monitoring capabilities, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu said. Speaking Wednesday (July 10) during the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s Public...

Security & Fraud
Report: Interpol Scam Crackdown Puts Focus on Online Payments Security
July 09, 2024

Interpol — short for the International Criminal Police Organization — may be familiar to readers as a staple of spy and action movies … where the police join forces around the globe to stop the bad guys in their tracks. And, as detailed in a...

Security & Fraud
Discover Global CISO on the Connection Between Security and Customer Lifetime Value
July 08, 2024

When it comes to securing payments, one can never be too safe. As digital transactions increase and technology advances at breakneck speed, so do the tactics of cyber adversaries. Within the changing cyber threat landscape, few sectors are as dynamically challenged as the payments industry...

Security & Fraud
Report: Hacker Stole Details of OpenAI’s Tech
July 05, 2024

OpenAI was reportedly hacked last year, raising security fears at the artificial intelligence company. The hacker accessed the company’s in-house messaging system and made off with details about its artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the New York Times reported Thursday (July 4), citing two sources familiar...

Security & Fraud
Millions of Apple Apps Exposed to Potential Security Threat
July 03, 2024

Millions of Apple’s smartphone and computer/laptop apps were reportedly exposed to a security breach. The breach could be used for potential supply chain attacks, ArsTechnica reported Wednesday (July 3), citing research from EVA Information Security. The exploit was uncovered in CocoaPods, an open-source repository used...