Security & Fraud

Security & Fraud
Pa. Health System Geisinger’s 1 Million-Patient Data Breach Leads to Lawsuit
July 02, 2024

A patient affected by a “data security incident” involving Pennsylvania-based health system Geisinger has filed a class-action lawsuit against the company. Geisinger’s IT vendor, Microsoft-owned Nuance, determined that a former employee may have accessed the personal information of 1 million Geisinger patients, according to a...

Security & Fraud
CDK Expects to Have Hacked Systems Restored by July 4
July 01, 2024

CDK Global is reportedly restoring its systems that were hacked and expects to have all the car dealerships using its platform live by the morning of July 4. “We are continuing our phased approach to the restoration process and are rapidly bringing dealers live,” said...

Security & Fraud
Will US Dealerships Shake Off CDK Attack By Independence Day?
June 26, 2024

It is almost July Fourth, and summer holiday travel is about to enter its peak season. But despite the sunshine and blue skies, Americans planning to buy a new car for summer excursions may be looking at decidedly cloudier weather. That’s because, a full week...

Security & Fraud
Australian Bank Spots Scams via How Users Hold Their Phones
June 26, 2024

Can the angle at which you hold your phone help your bank protect against scams? National Australia Bank seems to think so. Speaking during the Australian Banking Association Conference in Melbourne Wednesday (June 26), CEO Andrew Irvine said the lender introduced more “friction” to payments...

Security & Fraud
The $400 Million Problem: Intellicheck CEO Details the Cost of Fake IDs
June 26, 2024

Bryan Lewis, CEO of Intellicheck, has a stark take on just how severe the damage a fraudster can inflict with a few bits of information. “People don’t realize how easy it is to steal your identity. If I can get your social media account or...

Security & Fraud
FTC Settlements Ban 3 Defendants From Sweepstakes, Prize Promotions
June 24, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has reached settlements with three defendants, banning them from sweepstakes and prize promotions. These settlements resolve a complaint the FTC filed against Matthew Pisoni, Marcus Pradel and John Leon in 2015, alleging that they operated a sweepstakes scam that took...

Security & Fraud
Hackers Increasing Pressure on Snowflake Customers to Make Ransom Payments
June 17, 2024

Hackers who targeted Snowflake customers are reportedly demanding ransom payments ranging from $300,000 to $5 million from as many as 10 breached companies. The hacking group, known as UNC5537, accessed the Snowflake accounts of approximately 165 customers and stole valuable data, Bloomberg reported Monday (June 17). Austin Larsen,...

Security & Fraud
Elder Scams Spike as More Boomers Move Online
June 14, 2024

As more baby boomers and seniors go online to get their banking done — making payments, investing and paying bills or taxes — the fraudsters are finding elder abuse of a financial nature to be quite lucrative. Coming into 2024, the PYMNTS Intelligence report “How...

Security & Fraud
Tokens See Double Duty as Protection From Fraud and Transaction Failures
June 10, 2024

Network tokenization, a technology that replaces sensitive payment card data with unique digital identifiers, has been a hot topic of late. Long known as an effective eCommerce fraud fighter, it was a centerpiece of Visa’s series of announcements that brought merchants into the data token...