Search results for "gdpr"

July 02, 2018
Finding The Investable Needles In The Startup Haystack

When it comes to financial services and financial technology startups, making the right investment decisions is not easy or obvious work. Thousands of firms are born each year – all...

June 29, 2018
Two-Sided Markets Sizzle, Swipe Fees Fizzle And Exactis Leaks A...

Fizzle of the Week: Exactis “Records are made to be broken.” That famous quote has been assigned, in some variation, to Richard Branson, Michael Phelps, Red Auerbach, Karl Malone and...

June 29, 2018
California Passes Online Privacy Data Law Aimed At Protecting Consumers

The state of California passed a new digital privacy law that provides consumers with more transparency and control over their digital data. According to a report in The New York Times,...

June 28, 2018
GDPR Sparks Privacy Regulation Efforts In The U.S.

Everyone’s always talking about online privacy, but this past week or so has brought a meaningful uptick in that ongoing discussion, including a debate that could shape privacy regulations throughout...

June 27, 2018
RBC Investing $2M In Ben-Gurion University’s Cybersecurity Research Center

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of Ben-Gurion University  of the Negev in Israel, announced this week that RBC will invest $2 million into research at Ben-Gurion...

June 27, 2018
Mastercard Teams Up With Selcom For Cashless Payments, Grab Rolls...

Welcome to The Axis, your late look at payments news from around the world. Coverage includes Mastercard’s partnership with Selcom in Tanzania. In addition, Grab is rolling out mobile wallet...

June 26, 2018
Global: Regulators Ask EU For GDPR Exemptions

Regulators from North America, Great Britain and Asia have requested a formal exemption from the European Union’s new data privacy law that they said could potentially interfere with cross-border investigations....

June 26, 2018
Tipalti: Breaking Down The Barriers To Global Growth

What holds companies back from going global? What obstacles do they face? As startup Tipalti looks ahead to its global expansion, these were the questions on leadership’s mind, so the...

June 26, 2018
Black Hat: Cybersecurity Is More Than A Tech Problem

Cybersecurity was once seen as purely a matter of technology, but more and more, security experts are bundling issues such as personal privacy, politics, business, ethics and risk into the...

Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations - October 2020

The Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations, a PYMNTS and Ekata collaboration, is the go-to monthly resource for updates on the trends and changes regarding PSD2 as well as other privacy and data protection regulations.