Search results for "gdpr"

May 21, 2018
EU: Mammoth new data-protection law comes into effect

Global Data Protection Rules (GDPR) will be applicable in Europe from May 25, 2018, and businesses, if not compliant, will see hefty penalties. Protection of consumer data is an oft-spoken...

May 17, 2018
Klout Gets Clouted In A World That Kept Score But...

To get a sense of why some apps succeed while others don’t, pay some heed to Klout. Which has none – clout, that is. Or soon, it seems, operations. The app,...

May 16, 2018
 Invoice Fraud, Global In Reach, As GDPR Looms

 As new compliance rules loom – GDPR and CDD – new acronyms (and mandates) make companies scramble to get to know their suppliers a bit better.  May (the month) may...

May 15, 2018
Jumio CTO Paints A Portrait Of ‘IDV Nirvana’

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” It was the original internet meme, more than two decades before the term “meme” would even be coined. It appeared in a...

May 14, 2018
May’s Days See CDD And GDPR Take Effect

May 11 marked a watershed moment of sorts when, this past Friday, the final customer due diligence rule via the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) took effect. The rule, of...

May 14, 2018
Transpay: Go Global, But Not Before Doing These Five Things

In many ways, eCommerce has dissolved borders, creating new expectations for business to be conducted between countries with different currencies, languages and regulations. And as the ability to send payments...

May 10, 2018
Socure Data Privacy Standards Earn International Certification

Socure has announced that it’s earned several new international certifications for the privacy, confidentiality and security controls it employs to protect customer data. The company developed a patented, predictive analytics platform...

May 09, 2018
Those Without Data History May Be Doomed To Repeat It

Facebook’s data fiasco, Wells Fargo’s fake account scandal, the Equifax breach and the onset of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): With topics like these dominating headlines, it’s...

May 08, 2018
Regulators Aren’t Ready To Enforce GDPR Law

With Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law coming into effect in May, regulators who are tasked with enforcing the law have signaled they are not ready yet. Reuters, citing...

Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations - October 2020

The Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations, a PYMNTS and Ekata collaboration, is the go-to monthly resource for updates on the trends and changes regarding PSD2 as well as other privacy and data protection regulations.