Search results for "gdpr"

April 20, 2018
The Impact Of PSD2 And GDPR On Merchant Fraud

A perfect storm of regulatory changes and card brand rule changes has left many merchants wondering to whom, exactly, they are beholden and what, exactly, they must do to comply....

April 19, 2018
Facebook Updates Privacy Terms To Comply With New EU Data...

Facebook has introduced new privacy experiences for everyone on the social media site as part of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). “Everyone – no matter where they live...

April 16, 2018
How to Evaluate Vendors in the Emerging Trusted Identity as...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”A Deep Dive Into Identity Verification: Sizing Up The Solutions” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Identity verification is the process of verifying a person is who they claim to be. It is important for...

April 16, 2018
PayPal Isn’t Worried About Increased Regulation Coming To Techland

The prospect of increased regulation may be worrying the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter – but for PayPal, it would be nothing new. In an interview with, PayPal’s...

April 16, 2018
For Restaurateurs and Hoteliers, Being A Step Ahead Of Mobile...

Facebook and GDPR only underscore a key conundrum in payments: How to protect an individual’s data while delivering the best consumer experience.  In the latest Topic TBD, Merchant Link CIO...

April 16, 2018
Paya President: Integrated Payments And What Matters Most

Buy vs. build -- or partner? The lines between software companies and payments firms are blurring, which means strategy must change, too. Think of payments as a value-add, a toll...

April 12, 2018
Consumer Watchdog Wants More Than Regulation For Facebook

Consumer Watchdog has called on Congress to enact legislation that would protect consumers’ online privacy in the wake of Facebook’s data scandal. “Facebook has a longtime record of violating privacy,...

April 12, 2018
Mark Zuckerberg Faced Tougher Questions On Facebook’s Future In Day...

It was the House’s turn yesterday to put Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the hot seat as he faced another five hours of questions from lawmakers. The topics of discussion...

April 11, 2018
The New Regulatory Era: Protection for Cardholders or Opportunities for...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”The New Regulatory Era: Protection for Cardholders or Opportunities for Thieves?” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Today’s changing regulatory environment is a complicated alphabet soup that poses a global challenge.  Long term it aims...

Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations - October 2020

The Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payments Regulations, a PYMNTS and Ekata collaboration, is the go-to monthly resource for updates on the trends and changes regarding PSD2 as well as other privacy and data protection regulations.