Search results for "bailouts"

April 10, 2013
Soros To Germany: Issue Eurobonds Or Quit The Euro

With the Euro Zone struggling to move forward from recent bailouts, billionaire investor George Soros has strongly encourage Germany to either quit the euro currency or to reconsider its position...

January 03, 2013
Dodd-Frank In 2013: How Congressional Changes Will Impact Reform

How will the new Congress impact the Dodd-Frank Act?  It’s a hugely important question to those in the payments industry, and one with a multi-faceted answe, but a recent American...

September 17, 2012
WATCH LIVE: GOP, CFPB Chief to Butt Heads

Upon his recent appointment as consumer financial chief, Richard Cordray is set to testify before a TARP subcommittee this week, according to a report by the Committee on Government Oversight...

July 02, 2012
Additional state aid for Nova Ljubljanska Banka Group temporarily approved

The European Commission has approved public support for Nova Ljubljanska Banka Group (NLB) as temporary aid for banking recapitlization. Slovenia will subscribe €320 million of contingent convertible instruments and grant...

June 06, 2012
Dexia approved for another € 10 billion in refinancing guarantee

The European Commission has approved increasing Dexia’s temporary refinancing guarantee by € 10 billion, bringing the total amount to € 55 billion. The guarantee is granted by Belgium, France, and...

June 05, 2012
EDF gets to keep the € 1.22 billion returned by...

The European Court of Justice has affirmed the General Court’s judgment on Eléctricité de France’s (EDF) payment waiver. The General Court had reversed the European Commission’s 2003 decision to fine...

May 31, 2012
Commission doubts Simet’s right to public service compensation for past...

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation into public service compensation for Simet bus services between 1987 and 2003. The Commission “has doubts that a public service compensation is...

May 31, 2012
Billions of euros for Banco CAM’s bailout constitute permissible state...

The European Commission has approved the restructuring aid that Spain granted to Banco CAM. In July 2011, the Bank of Spain placed the beleaguered Banco CAM under the control of...

April 25, 2012
New rules to relieve Spanish football clubs’ tax debt

The Spanish government and the football league have agreed upon rules that provide a “road map” to reduce clubs’ tax debt. Spain’s top football clubs owe about 750 million euros...