Search results for "Amazon"

February 19, 2019
FinTech-As-A-Service Eyes Global Payments Simplification Makeover

To streamline FinTech, and to help consumers and businesses transact in the ways they desire, firms must move beyond the silo approach. FinTech still exists as a fragmented market, where...

February 18, 2019
Google and Facebook’s Next Big Fight

Posted by Bloomberg Google and Facebook’s Next Big Fight By Lionel Laurent For many people, it probably sounds a little rich to hear the European Union accuse Silicon Valley of...

February 18, 2019
Facebook Aims To Advance AI By Creating Its Own Chips

Facebook wants to create its own chips to deliver the type of computing speeds necessary to take the next leap forward in artificial intelligence, according to a report in the...

February 18, 2019
UE: Aprueba Europa reforma a derechos de autor

Negociadores de la Unión Europea llegaron a un acuerdo el pasado miércoles respecto al lenguaje que quedará codificado en un nuevo conjunto de amplias reformas a las reglas que gobiernan...

February 18, 2019
Walmart’s Earnings Will Reveal How Well Its War With Amazon...

Everyone knows the old joke about Whole Foods — the grocery store so expensive that it might as well be called “Whole Paycheck.” Whole Foods always maintained that nickname was...

February 18, 2019
Apple Overhauls Leadership Ranks

In an attempt to lower its reliance on the iPhone, Apple is overhauling its leadership ranks and changing its priorities so that it is focused more on services, artificial intelligence,...

February 18, 2019
How Digital Subscriptions Open Doors To Global Content

In the age when consumers can enjoy digital content at their fingertips, subscriptions are no longer just a novelty: They are opening the doors to libraries of music, movies and...

February 18, 2019
Jet, Fulton Fish Market Team For Seafood Delivery

In an effort to deliver sustainable and fresh seafood to customers in New York City, and Fulton Fish Market are teaming up for Jet’s City Grocery experience. The offering...

February 18, 2019
Data Dive, Signing On/Signing Off Edition: Amazon, Alipay, Payless And...

The world of payments and commerce isn’t moving at a snail’s pace these days. And last week’s events managed to qualify it for “thrill-a-minute” status between the lofty and ambitious...

Walmart Vs. Amazon Whole Paycheck: Battle For The Digital-First Consumer
Amazon, Walmart Gain Q3 eCommerce Sales, But Lose Share of Total Spend  Spoiler alert: This edition of the Whole Paycheck Tracker report, the exclusive PYMNTS data dive on the claim Amazon and Walmart make on their share of the U.S. consumer’s whole paycheck, does not contain the customary exponential increases associated with these two retailers.
The Battle for Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart Q2 2022: The Discretionary Spend Play
Amazon’s Lead in Consumer Discretionary Spend Remains Unchallenged  In the clash of the retail titans, Walmart leads in grocery and personal care spend, but Amazon dominates in clothing, furniture, appliances and hobbies, the Q2 2022 edition of "The Battle For Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart" found, while also exploring ways consumers stand to gain from the rivalry.