Search results for "Amazon"

February 05, 2019
Are Smartphone Payments Physical Retail’s Lifeline?

With consumers tethered to their smartphones, the relationship between shoppers and physical stores is evolving as a retailer’s “face” is becoming its website and mobile apps instead of its storefront....

February 05, 2019
US Online Grocery Spend Peaks At 3 Pct

Although retailers such as Kroger, Walmart and Amazon are working on grocery delivery solutions, only 3 percent of today’s grocery spend in the U.S. occurs through eCommerce. In South Korea...

February 05, 2019
Data Integration: The Key To Successful B2B eCommerce

B2B commerce has a reputation for being slow to digitize and lagging behind the B2C eCommerce space, but considering analysis that forecasts U.S. B2B eCommerce to reach $9 trillion this...

February 05, 2019
NY Dems Name Amazon Critic To Development Deal Review Board

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is girding up for a fight in the State Senate as the Democrats named a critic of Amazon coming to New York City to...

February 05, 2019
ARK Investment FinTech ETF Tracks Amazon, Square, PayPal

ARK Investment Management has launched its first FinTech-focused exchange-traded fund. The ARK FinTech Innovation ETF (ARKF) began trading publicly on the New York Stock Exchange Arca on Monday (February 4). It invests in equity...

February 05, 2019
Deep Dive: How mPOS Helps Supermarkets Compete

Supermarkets around the world may seem to have locked-in consumer bases — groceries are a necessity, after all — but the reality is far more complicated.  Coping with slim operating...

February 05, 2019
NJ Legislators Pass Bill To Ban Cashless Stores

New Jersey is one step closer to making it illegal to run a cashless store in the state. With overwhelming support, state legislators passed a bill that will ban cashless...

February 05, 2019
The Making Of A Digital Subprime Marketplace

No one needs to be told that eCommerce is becoming a more important part of consumers’ daily lives. Any number of stats — from the 2018 holiday shopping season, for...

February 05, 2019
Google Feels The Cost-Per-Click Squeeze In Q4

Alphabet managed to beat Wall Street expectations for both earnings and revenue in the final quarter of 2018. Earnings came in at $12.77 per share, well ahead of the consensus estimate...

Walmart Vs. Amazon Whole Paycheck: Battle For The Digital-First Consumer
Amazon, Walmart Gain Q3 eCommerce Sales, But Lose Share of Total Spend  Spoiler alert: This edition of the Whole Paycheck Tracker report, the exclusive PYMNTS data dive on the claim Amazon and Walmart make on their share of the U.S. consumer’s whole paycheck, does not contain the customary exponential increases associated with these two retailers.
The Battle for Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart Q2 2022: The Discretionary Spend Play
Amazon’s Lead in Consumer Discretionary Spend Remains Unchallenged  In the clash of the retail titans, Walmart leads in grocery and personal care spend, but Amazon dominates in clothing, furniture, appliances and hobbies, the Q2 2022 edition of "The Battle For Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart" found, while also exploring ways consumers stand to gain from the rivalry.