Search results for "netflix"

June 25, 2018
SpyCloud On Making Payments Smarter And Safer

With stolen consumer credentials being readily sold on the black market, account takeovers have become a $5 billion a year problem. But expensive security solutions won’t help, says Dave Endler,...

June 18, 2018
The Secret To Subscription Success: Five Priorities Of Top Performers

They used to say, “There’s an app for that.” Now they’re saying, “There’s a subscription for that.” With the rise of subscription commerce, it seems there’s a subscription for everything:...

June 18, 2018
Amazon Restaurants, Big Threat Or Essential Lifeline?

The restaurant industry today is a study in contradictions. Census data tells us that roughly 44 percent of what consumers spend on food comes from restaurants, rather than groceries for...

June 13, 2018
Adyen Shares Start Trading At 67 Percent Above IPO Pricing

Shares of the Dutch payment processing firm Adyen debuted Wednesday (June 13) at €400, or about $470, which stood at 67 percent higher than the company’s IPO pricing. Share were...

June 13, 2018
Adyen Lands $8.36B Valuation Pre-IPO

Dutch payment processing firm Adyen raised 947 million euros ($1.1 billion) for its investors in the biggest technology IPO in Europe so far this year. According to Bloomberg, investors including...

June 11, 2018
UE: Reguladores listos para aprobar oferta de Comcast por Sky

Autoridades antimonopolio de la Unión Europea aprobarán la oferta de compra que la compañía de televisión estadounidense Comcast ha hecho por la compañía europea de televisión de paga Sky, sin...

June 10, 2018
EU: Regulators set to approve Comcast’s bid for Sky

EU antitrust regulators are set to approve US cable company Comcast’s bid for European pay-TV company Sky without demanding concessions, reported Reuters. Comcast is battling Rupert Murdoch’s Twenty-First Century Fox...

June 04, 2018
The Case For Contextual Commerce

Before there was on demand, there was time shifting. In 1985, cable companies introduced consumers to the idea that they could use their VCRs to record movies airing on movie...

May 30, 2018
US: Fox sets date for vote on US$52b Disney deal

On Wednesday, May 30, 21st Century Fox announced that it would hold a shareholders meeting on July 10 to debate a merger with the Walt Disney Company, after Disney offered...

Subscription Commerce Tracker™

The “Subscription Commerce Tracker™,” powered by Recurly, explores how companies use subscription-based commerce to build long-term customer relationships and steady revenue sources. The report includes notable developments in the market and the companies that are rapidly innovating the space.