Search results for "EMV"

February 28, 2020
Filling The Gaps, Securing The Weak Spots

There is no shortage of pressure points where consumers are pushing for progress – faster payments, mobile wallets, unattended retail, 5G … take your pick. But for all the pressure...

February 27, 2020
ADP: Winning Gen Z Employees With Faster, Flexible Payroll

Businesses and governments want the speed and convenience of issuing and accepting digital payments, but, at the same time, they cannot afford to alienate cash-dependent consumers. Debit payments are being...

February 26, 2020
Mastercard’s Incoming CEO’s Take On The Future Of Payments

A big change is coming to Mastercard, which will soon be marking the end of an era as its longtime CEO Ajay Banga departs from the role of CEO and moves on...

February 07, 2020
Mastercard: Why A Truly Connected Economy Needs A New Security...

Flash back a few years and everyone had one or maybe two connected devices. There were the smartphones we all had, with a heavy sprinkling of tablets and connected gaming...

February 04, 2020
Debit Beats Credit With Bridge Millennials

Would you pay interest on a cup of coffee? Not willingly – unless you use a credit card at the POS terminal, that is, in which case you’ll pay the...

January 31, 2020
A Full-Picture Approach To Thwarting Debit Fraud

Debit payments have a $960 million fraud problem — and reliance on analyzing customers' behaviors doesn’t go far enough. Modern security measures must examine the behavioral patterns of all transactional...

January 30, 2020
Growth In Coffee Brands And Unattended Retail

Automated retail is a burgeoning space, with sales growth via many unattended retail devices significantly increasing. However, the industry faces challenges from old machines that haven’t been updated and the deployment of EMV-enabled cards/methods...

January 30, 2020
FICO’s Take On Debit Security

Widely publicized data breaches and hacks have made today’s consumers especially concerned about fraud. Cautious shoppers may find comfort in debit, with fraud losses associated with the payment method declining...

January 29, 2020
USAT: For Unattended Retail, The Tech’s The Limit

Self-service retail is, of course, a fancy term that replaces the traditional vending machine moniker (though kiosks and other digital- and mobile-anchored technologies are rapidly entering the mix, offering self-service...