Search results for "netflix"

April 11, 2016
The PYMNTS 5-In-1: April 11 Daily Data Digest

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s — the era when radio was getting off the ground, television was still mostly a theoretical possibility and the notion of laptops, smartphone...

April 11, 2016
The ‘Uber Of Nothing’ Is Coming

Payment’s Next Big Thing: The “Uber Of Nothing” ”I’m about to sneeze. May I have a Kleenex, please?” “I have a headache. Do you have an Aspirin?” “Quick! I cut...

April 11, 2016
Subscriptions Get SaaS-y

Subscriptions have come a long way from book-of-the-month clubs and magazines. Today, they are the hottest payments model to hit the retail and enterprise market. BlueSnap CEO Ralph Dangelmaier tells...

April 02, 2016
How Cartoons Inspired The Future Of Tech

If we’re being honest with ourselves, 16 years into the 21st century, it is easy to be a little bit disappointed.   Sure the worst as predicted by Ray Bradbury,...

March 30, 2016
Convenience Trumps Security for Consumers

EMV makes it harder for a person in a store to fake their identity via a counterfeit card. Online, it’s starting to look like the Wild West. In The March...

March 29, 2016
The Internet of Platforms and Walled Gardens: Implications for Openness...

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Internet of Platforms and Walled Gardens: Implications for Openness and Neutrality Rob Frieden (Pennsylvania State University) Abstract:     This paper will examine developments...

March 29, 2016
Netflix Admits To Throttling Videos

Your favorite guilty pleasure just admitted a dirty little secret of its own. Last week, internet video streaming service Netflix admitted to throttling its own videos for AT&T’s and Verizon’s...

March 29, 2016
Fact Check: Is EMV Pushing Fraud Online?

EMV makes it harder for a person in a store to fake their identity via a counterfeit card. Online, it’s starting to look like the Wild West. In The March...

March 28, 2016
Bitcoin Payments Go NFC

“There exists a bizarre gap in today’s state of financial services.” That’s the philosophy of Shake, a new startup in the bitcoin world that is (unsurprisingly) trying to pitch a...

Subscription Commerce Tracker™

The “Subscription Commerce Tracker™,” powered by Recurly, explores how companies use subscription-based commerce to build long-term customer relationships and steady revenue sources. The report includes notable developments in the market and the companies that are rapidly innovating the space.