Search results for "netflix"

February 02, 2016
Comcast And Cable’s Two-Front War For Survival

Whenever Tom Wheeler and the Federal Communications Commission come up with the slightest piece of legislation over regulating Internet service providers, the discussion usually revolves around the free nature of...

February 02, 2016
Who Is The ‘Spotify For Books?’

While just about every startup that comes along aspires to be known as “Uber for” whatever it does, that doesn’t apply to subscription eBook services. Those companies all want to...

February 01, 2016
Beacons Get Their Silver Screen Moment

While beacons are getting plenty of attention behind the scenes, there’s no doubt that they’ve ceded the spotlight to other disruptive and emerging technologies. The story of the tortoise and...

January 29, 2016
Why Twitter’s Fat Cash Reserves Make It Unique

Any problem that might arise for Twitter, the company’s at least got plenty of money to throw at it. CNBC has calculated, based on research by S&P Capital IQ, that at...

January 22, 2016
Facebook Goes Offline (But Not In That Way)

Don’t worry — when we last checked, Facebook hasn’t crashed. The social media titan’s recent moves offline are actually a way of expanding its reach beyond the virtual realm that...

January 21, 2016
Nielsen Tying Social Media Into New Ratings System

Nielsen is taking into account where more and more “Nielsen Families” live: on social media. Yesterday (Jan. 20), the media research firm announced a collaboration with Facebook that will allow...

January 21, 2016
Hacked Uber Accounts Trump Credit Cards On Dark Web

Stolen Uber accounts are now more valuable on the Dark Web than credit card numbers. New data from Trend Micro shows the going rate for stolen Uber account info is about...

January 18, 2016
Visa Checkout Grows, Physical Retail Slows, Amex Hits New Lows

There was no shortage of interesting news last week. Amazon decided that while everybody wants to rule the world of retail, it thinks it has the secret weapon to actually pull it off;...

January 16, 2016
Amazon One If By Land … Two Zillion If By...

If one’s entire reference for a company’s relative level of success were the verdict of public markets day in and day out, Amazon’s 2016 has gotten off to a rough...

Subscription Commerce Tracker™

The “Subscription Commerce Tracker™,” powered by Recurly, explores how companies use subscription-based commerce to build long-term customer relationships and steady revenue sources. The report includes notable developments in the market and the companies that are rapidly innovating the space.