Search results for "mobile payments"

May 05, 2015
How To Optimize Cross-Border Commerce

By the end of 2015, cross-border eCommerce is expected to reach more than $300 billion. But are merchants ready to optimize their eCommerce sites to welcome shoppers from other countries?...

May 05, 2015
How Gimbal Connects Retail’s Digital And Physical World

As the physical and digital worlds of retail continue to interweave, more and more beacon solution providers across the market are recognizing the need for retailers to have better tools...

May 05, 2015
The Next Generation of Apple Pay

The launch date of so-called Apple Pay 2.0 hasn’t even been announced yet, but investment firm Jefferies is already touting the upgrade as one chock-full of upgrades that are likely...

May 04, 2015
MCX’s Four Fatal Flaws And What Payments Innovators Can Learn...

MCX’s Interim CEO, Brian Mooney, starts his first day on the job today. And, this seasoned and well respected industry veteran is starting amidst a firestorm of controversy over its...

May 04, 2015
Visa Europe Launches International Innovation Hub

With an eye toward sparking innovation, Visa Europe has opened a new hub. Late last week, the payment services cooperative launched Visa Europe Collab, an international innovation hub that supports...

May 01, 2015
Is MCX’s Loss Apple’s Gain?

There are two things that can be taken as certainly true coming out of the final days of April 2015. 1. It is a very good time to be Apple....

May 01, 2015
MasterCard On The New Face Of POS

The migration to EMV in the US, as MPD CEO Karen Webster discussed earlier this week in a live digital discussion, is putting a new face on point-of-sale. New capabilities...

May 01, 2015
Stratos’ Bluetooth-Connected Card Joins M-Payments Space

A little over a month-and-a-half ago, PYMNTS reported that the Stratos all-in-one card would be coming soon to a pocket near you. “Soon” arrived yesterday (April 30) — meeting the...

May 01, 2015
68 Percent Of Payments Pros Say New Tech Increases Risk

Here’s how serious the doubts are among payment-systems professionals about EMV and mobile payments: 68 percent of them say pressure to migrate to new payment systems puts customer data at...

Money Mobility Tracker®: Top of Wallet: Digital Wallets' Ascent for Payments - and More

Convenience has made digital wallets the fastest-growing payment method in the U.S. and influences users to spend more than nonusers, yet only 57% of small businesses offer digital wallet payments to their customers. This edition of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Payments, examines how payment providers can help merchants overcome preconceptions about security, complexity and technology to stay on top of the trend.

Mobile Wallet Adoption: Apple Pay @8: Still The Big Fish In A Small Mobile Wallets Pond
Study Finds Contactless Cards Still Apple Pay’s Biggest Competition at Checkout Apple Pay has captured 48% of in-store mobile wallet checkouts, but PYMNTS survey of 2,285 U.S. consumers for the "Mobile Wallet Adoption" report found that contactless cards are taking a big bite out of the Apple when it comes to paying for in-store purchases as it remains the biggest fish in a small mobile wallet POS pond.