Search results for "ride-hailing"

April 22, 2015
Uber Drives Cashback Rewards For Capital One

Uber has already gained a reputation for offering consumers cheaper cab options, but as of yesterday (April 21), the ride-hailing company secured a partnership to help some riders earn cash...

March 16, 2015
Tencent Follows Amazon Onto Alibaba’s Tmall

Tencent and Alibaba have always had fierce competition in the eCommerce space — usually with Alibaba taking the lead above its trailing counterpart. Now, it appears, Tencent has flipped sides and...

February 16, 2015
Who Gets Paid In Alibaba, Tencent Ride-Hailing App Merge?

Despite a fierce rivalry in all other areas, Chinese mobile payment giants Alibaba and Tencent have agreed to a rare truce in the taxicab industry, according to The Wall Street Journal, as...

February 03, 2015
Once Investor, Google Looks To Take On Uber

Is Google waging a war on Uber? Early signs say yes. Google Ventures was once Uber’s biggest supporter, backing the ride-hailing app with $258 million in 2013. Now Uber faces a...

September 09, 2014
Uber’s Compromise In India To Appease Regulators

Global ride-hailing company Uber is scrambling to find payments partners in India to meet new mobile-payments regulations that go live on Oct. 31, India’s Economic Times reported. The most likely...