Search results for "Unemployment"

July 23, 2013
Behind The Numbers: Government Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards represent a hot topic in the payments world right now. A growing segment of payments, prepaid cards are seen by some as tools that add convenience, help control...

July 19, 2013
CFPB Tangles With Bankers Over Big Data

By Karuna Mintaka Kumar, Columnist@KarunaMintaka “Do they need the reams and reams and reams of data we’re having to provide to them? Don’t we have to find a healthier balance...

July 03, 2013
Will Consumers Spend More On The Fourth?

In recent months, the economy has continued its slow recovery. Unemployment dropped in April, the economy added an estimated 175,000 jobs in May and mortgage rates continue to hover near...

June 25, 2013
French Tobacco Shops Smoke Bank Competitors

Next time you visit the local tobacco shop to get your weekly pack of cigarettes, why not sign up for a new bank account while you’re at it? This scenario...

May 29, 2013
Kenya Exchanges Loans For Ideas For Impoverished Youth

The Kenyan government knows money doesn’t grow on their Acacia trees. That’s why they’re starting a new youth loan program, but with a catch: funding will only be offered in...

May 01, 2013
UK: Women More Likely Than Men To Use Credit For...

In the UK, more women than men have been applying for credit for the last couple of years, and it isn’t for the purpose of funding retail shopping sprees. According...

April 28, 2013
Millennials vs. Boomers: Who Will Boost Consumer Spending?

I walked to my little local market this morning in Boston and saw the latest issue of Barron’s on the newsstand. The cover story is all about U.S. Millennials: those...

April 09, 2013
European Commission Implements Directive Against Late Payments In Commercial Business

Regaining financial stability in Europe is a multi-faceted project that requires new regulations across the board. In an effort to put the EU back on track for economic growth, the...

February 13, 2013
Indonesian Competition Policy and Law: Where It’s Heading

Deswin Nur, Feb 13, 2013 Indonesia may not be one of the famous countries in the world. Tourists mostly know Bali (one of the islands in Indonesia) rather than the...

The Rise of Instant Payroll and Early-Access Compensation

With 96% of corporates that offer earned wage access saying it helps attract new talent, and 75% of millennials saying that it would influence their acceptance of a job offer, it’s obvious why almost two-thirds of employers see earned wage access as a low-cost tool for employee recruitment and retention. PYMNTS examines the trend in the latest issue of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Money.

The Employment Effect
Study Shows Digital Engagement of US Consumers Linked to Employment Status  Employed consumers use connected devices 80% more in their daily lives than unemployed consumers, and not just to shop and spend. For this edition of the “The ConnectedEconomy™ Monthly Report: The Employment Effect,” PYMNTS surveyed 3,212 consumers to discover how rising employment rates are accelerating the U.S. economy’s digital transformation.