Search results for "netflix"

April 12, 2011
Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and More Unite to Fight Debit...

April 12, 2011 TechNet, a group representing executives at leading technology companies, wrote to lawmakers last week to express their support for the bill by Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) that...

February 07, 2011
Our Next Alternative Currency: Cash?

Click here to download this article as a PDF. Introduction   Alternative currencies were initially considered to be anything other than locally accepted paper and coin tender. By the 1980s,...

November 07, 2009
Credit Where Credit Is Due

The credit card industry has few friends at the moment. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 recently signed into law by President Obama passed the House...

Subscription Commerce Tracker™

The “Subscription Commerce Tracker™,” powered by Recurly, explores how companies use subscription-based commerce to build long-term customer relationships and steady revenue sources. The report includes notable developments in the market and the companies that are rapidly innovating the space.