Search results for "Unemployment"

September 16, 2010
Durbin, Key House Conferees Reach Agreement on Interchange Fees

Jun 22, 2010, 7:00am [WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) today announced that an agreement has been reached with key conferees on the Wall Street reform...

September 16, 2010
Collateral Damage from the Financial Crisis – Consolidation and Regulation

The decade ended with the start of the most severe financial crisis the world has faced since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In many respects the payments industry was...

September 16, 2010
Tilting at Windmills: Some Final Thoughts on Dodd-Frank

If Senators needed any further reason not to vote for the misguided Dodd-Frank bill two stories over the last week should have pushed them into the NO column. The first...

September 16, 2010
Even With ‘No Dog in the Fight’, Phil Tomlinson Doubts...

A Exclusive By Philip W. Tomlinson, TSYS Chairman of the Board and CEO TSYS® serves most of the constituents in nearly every part of the payments chain – from...

September 08, 2010
First-Party Fraud: Why It’s More Expensive Than You May Think...

First-party fraud (FPF) — fraud committed by individuals, typically a financial institution’s own customers who have no intent to pay — is not a new issue, but it is extremely...

July 15, 2010
Tilting at Windmills: Some Final Thoughts on Dodd-Frank

If Senators needed any further reason not to vote for the misguided Dodd-Frank bill two stories over the last week should have pushed them into the NO column. The first...

June 25, 2010
Senate Democrats Search for Votes to Pass Jobs Bill

A bill that would extend unemployment benefits and raise taxes on buyout fund managers is in danger of being blocked in the U.S. Senate, even after efforts by Democratic leaders...

April 16, 2010
More Than Money

    Published in 1888, Bellamy’s book about achieving a utopian society was a huge best seller in its time.     “Perhaps you would like to see what our...

April 15, 2010
Vytas Kisielius, CEO | Collections Marketing Center

Debt collection is often met with many emotions which, through human interaction, can slow down the collection process.  Vytas Kisielius and his team have delivered the industry’s first adaptive collections...

The Rise of Instant Payroll and Early-Access Compensation

With 96% of corporates that offer earned wage access saying it helps attract new talent, and 75% of millennials saying that it would influence their acceptance of a job offer, it’s obvious why almost two-thirds of employers see earned wage access as a low-cost tool for employee recruitment and retention. PYMNTS examines the trend in the latest issue of the “Money Mobility Tracker®,” a collaboration with Ingo Money.

The Employment Effect
Study Shows Digital Engagement of US Consumers Linked to Employment Status  Employed consumers use connected devices 80% more in their daily lives than unemployed consumers, and not just to shop and spend. For this edition of the “The ConnectedEconomy™ Monthly Report: The Employment Effect,” PYMNTS surveyed 3,212 consumers to discover how rising employment rates are accelerating the U.S. economy’s digital transformation.