Search results for "b2b payments"

December 10, 2014
2014 Hits And Misses – VC Style

As an end of year wrap-up, I thought I’d devote a few words to what the past year held for financial technology trends; a retrospective. Without further ado, some thoughts...

December 09, 2014
Mobility: The Next Frontier In Authentication

How long can we go without our phones? That's tough to answer considering our phones have become us. Mobile devices can be a user’s identity, their payment device and in...

December 03, 2014
Taking Mass Payments To The Masses

Delivering mass payments is pretty easy if a corporation is paying 50,000 payees the same amount, in one country, and everyone’s banked, says Lisa Shields, CEO of hyperWALLET. Where it...

December 03, 2014
AribaPay Ignites B2B Payments

Ariba, an SAP Company, announced Tuesday (Dec. 2) that more than $1 billion in B2B payments have been made to almost 1,300 suppliers using AribaPay, a cloud-based payment service launched...

November 27, 2014
In B2B Payments, Branding Is Huge

When the CEB Marketing Leadership Council surveyed how B2B buyers make purchase decisions, they found a 64 percent purchase rate when there existed “a high brand connection.” When there wasn’t?...

November 27, 2014
The Future Of B2B Banking

Although the changing nature of B2B transactions today is certainly forcing banks to rethink B2B services, U.S. offerings are generally much less robust than in other countries and there are...

November 26, 2014
HSBC Launches Realtime Mobile Payments For Businesses

UK bank HSBC is now letting its business banking clients accept payments from customers using just a mobile phone number, through the UK’s Paym realtime mobile payments service, according to...

November 25, 2014
In B2B, Windows Mobile Taking On New Life

A report from analyst firm CCS Insight predicts that Windows Mobile will overtake both Android and BlackBerry to become the second most-popular business mobile OS, by the end of 2016....

November 24, 2014
PayStand Takes E-Checks To The Next Level

Paper checks have largely fallen by the wayside since the rise of card, electronic and mobile payments. But as companies challenge card processing fees, face security breaches online and struggle...

B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®: The Role of Business Cards in SMB Financial Management

Business cards offer numerous benefits to small businesses over other financing, including easier qualification, significantly higher credit limits, and perks such as cash back, travel and mileage-earning rewards. The latest “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®” explores why 63% of small business owners using cards as their primary startup funding attribute their success to this method of financing.

The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.