Search results for "amazon"

June 29, 2023
Amazon Faces Broadscale FTC Antitrust Suit

A federal regulator is reportedly preparing a wide-ranging antitrust suit against Amazon. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) plans to file the suit — which deals with Amazon’s key online marketplace...

June 29, 2023
Try Before You Buy — What Brands and Retailers Are...

We all shop online. That’s probably a safe bet to make these days, right? And while online shopping certainly has its pros, it also has its cons, and at times...

June 29, 2023
The Role of Data for Competition in Online Advertising

Data being the lubricant of any interest-based advertising, control over access to data has become a central competitive factor in the advertising business; and a focal point of several antitrust...

June 29, 2023
A Brief Look at Recent Market Developments Since The Bundeskartellamt’s...

In a Discussion Report published in August 2022 the Bundeskartellamt outlined the findings of its sector inquiry into non-search online advertising and presented them to market participants and observers for...

June 28, 2023
10 Years and 5 Billion Orders Later, DoorDash Expands to...

In DoorDash’s decade of operation, the company has taken the restaurant aggregator business model and expanded it to so much more, shifting its goals from food delivery to providing everything on...

June 28, 2023
Growing Enterprise AI Adoption Shows Integration Friction Is No Fiction

On the one hand, firms don’t know what they don’t know. On the other, many believe that large language model-powered generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools might just know everything. After...

June 28, 2023
General Mills’ eCommerce Personalization Drives 24% US Digital Sales Bump

As grocery brands and retailers alike look to improve their data capabilities to drive digital sales, General Mills has made eCommerce gains by improving its analytics. On a call with...

June 28, 2023
5 Key Things You Need to Know About the INFORM...

There’s a new law in town and it’s taking on organized retail theft and the trade of counterfeit and hazardous goods on digital platforms.  The act follows the prevalence of...

June 28, 2023
Zalando Fights EU’s Digital Services Act in Court

Germany’s Zalando is considered Europe’s largest online fashion retailer. But is it a “very large online platform”? That’s now a matter for the courts. Zalando announced Tuesday (June 27) it...

Walmart Vs. Amazon Whole Paycheck: Battle For The Digital-First Consumer
Amazon, Walmart Gain Q3 eCommerce Sales, But Lose Share of Total Spend  Spoiler alert: This edition of the Whole Paycheck Tracker report, the exclusive PYMNTS data dive on the claim Amazon and Walmart make on their share of the U.S. consumer’s whole paycheck, does not contain the customary exponential increases associated with these two retailers.
The Battle for Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart Q2 2022: The Discretionary Spend Play
Amazon’s Lead in Consumer Discretionary Spend Remains Unchallenged  In the clash of the retail titans, Walmart leads in grocery and personal care spend, but Amazon dominates in clothing, furniture, appliances and hobbies, the Q2 2022 edition of "The Battle For Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart" found, while also exploring ways consumers stand to gain from the rivalry.