Search results for "b2b payments"

March 04, 2013
Visa, Chase Deal Personifies Payments Platform Trend

Payments has always been about platforms, of course, given the sector's two/multi-sided structure. But the big news that broke across the industry over these last two weeks is, I think...

February 25, 2013
NAPCP European Corporate Card & Payment Conference

This one-day conference on June 13 in London will showcase organizations with highly effective B2B payment strategies that leverage a broad range of Corporate Card and Payment solutions. Individuals who...

February 19, 2013
20130219-Vendor Payments The Unseen World Of B2B Commerce

Vendor payments may be an area of the payments industry that few know about, but it’s an integral part of B2B commerce for many businesses throughout the world. One company...

February 18, 2013
Vendor Payments: The Unseen World Of B2B Commerce

Are you familiar with the world of vendor payments? Odds are you’re not, but it remains a crucial part of B2B commerce for many businesses throughout the world. spoke...

February 18, 2013
It Takes A Global Mind

Al Gore, Vice President turned entrepreneur, Apple Board member, Senior Advisor to Google, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, has something on his mind. Well, actually on his Global Mind. It’s...

February 11, 2013
021213-CSI CEO: Be Fast, Furious And Simple

In our first installment of 2013 CEO Series, we hear from Keith J. Stone, head of CSI Enterprise, who says it’s never too late for those in payments to...

February 11, 2013
CSI CEO: Be Fast, Furious And Simple

Welcome to’s 2013 CEO Series: a quick and concise glimpse into the minds of the leaders of the payments industry and how they view innovation, change and growth. We’ll...

February 03, 2013
Four Tech Trends Bringing Payments To The Underbanked

While more than 68 million U.S. consumers don’t have access to traditional financial services – eschewing bank accounts and borrowing for a variety of reasons – the emerging technology startups...

February 02, 2013
Four Differentiators For Choosing An Electronics Accounts Payable Provider

A transition in the way companies are making payments is taking shape, and it’s helping today’s businesses modernize their B2B corporate payments. But, what’s behind the massive push toward electronic...

B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®: The Role of Business Cards in SMB Financial Management

Business cards offer numerous benefits to small businesses over other financing, including easier qualification, significantly higher credit limits, and perks such as cash back, travel and mileage-earning rewards. The latest “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®” explores why 63% of small business owners using cards as their primary startup funding attribute their success to this method of financing.

The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.