Search results for "macy's"

August 19, 2016
The Consumer Electronics Bust And Best Buy’s Coming Fizzle?

Yikes. Talk about a Fizzle. What’s up with the Team USA swimming shenanigans in Rio? What had the world aghast last week – the idea that three American swimmers were...

August 12, 2016
Kohl’s Manages To Beat Expectations

Kohl’s gave investors an early look at their earnings with a glimpse at some unexpected good news: a surprise bump in profits as gross margin expanded during last quarter. This...

August 11, 2016
Macy’s Slightly Better Than Terrible Earnings (And Coming Store Closures)

After posting quarterly earnings figures in May so abysmal that they took the rest of department store retail down with them, Macy’s finally got a bit of good news into...

July 29, 2016
Sizzle/Fizzle: Facebook Wins, Apple Whiffs And Commerce Gets Contextual

The earnings reports are in — and they are quickly separating the sizzlers from the fizzlers. Apple sorta fizzled, but the markets don’t seem to have noticed. Facebook sizzled incredibly,...

July 25, 2016
Are Consumers Ready For A Robo-Stylist?

There are many ways to positively describe an outfit. On point, dressed to the nines, stylin’, lookin’ like a million bucks. There are lots of ways to go, depending on...

July 25, 2016
Move Over Automation — Phones Can Replace Retail Workers Just...

In some corners of the retail world, the mere utterance of the word “automation” conjures up images of Amazon fulfillment centers buzzing with self-sufficient robots, personal assistant androids that follow...

July 21, 2016
IBM’s Watson Will Guide Shoppers Through Macy’s Stores

To date, IBM‘s artificial intelligence engine Watson has scored its highest-profile victory when it triumphed against two human opponents in a real-time episode of “Jeopardy.” However, it might get even...

July 18, 2016
Can B&M Line Extensions Give Shoppers A Reason To Stop...

There seems to be a new form of retail mania sweeping the nation — that of nostalgia. Whenever a struggling brand needs to drum up a little publicity in its...

July 13, 2016
Move Over Macy’s, Because Here Comes Amazon

There’s about to be a new sheriff in Retail Town. Amazon is on track to become “America’s largest clothing retailer,” surpassing both Macy’s and Nordstrom in total sales, by 2017,...