Search results for "amazon"

June 21, 2023
FTC Amazon Prime Suit Points to Larger Issues on Subscription...

Whatever the outcome of the Federal Trade Commission’s suit against Amazon, the action is sure to raise larger debate over, and perhaps a retooling of, subscription business models in general....

June 21, 2023
Google Calls Out Microsoft Over Anticompetitive Cloud Practices

Google filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission, alleging that Microsoft leveraged its dominant position in enterprise software to encourage customers to use its cloud services, as reported...

June 21, 2023
FTC Sues Amazon Over ‘Deceptive’ Signup Efforts

The Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against Amazon on Wednesday, claiming that the company misled millions of customers into subscribing for its Prime program and made it difficult for...

June 21, 2023
TikTok Expands Online Retail Offerings to Compete With Shein and...

In a bid to compete with rivals like Shein and Amazon, TikTok is broadening its online retail offerings. ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of the video-sharing app, has started selling...

June 21, 2023
How Amazon Is Transforming a Sensory-Based Industry Through Digital

Amazon is reportedly on track to surpass Walmart and emerge as the leading beauty retailer in the United States by 2025. But how is that so in an industry that...

June 21, 2023
FTC: Online Marketplaces Need To Police Fake Goods

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reminding online marketplaces of the duty to ferret out fake merchandise. The agency issued a notice Tuesday (June 20) on the new Integrity, Notification and Fairness in Online...

June 20, 2023
Amazon Trounces Walmart in Most Retail Categories — Is Health/Beauty...

Category by category, the jousting for share of consumer spending is a pitched battle for Amazon and Walmart. One holdout, beauty and wellness, where the two firms have been running...

June 20, 2023
FTC: Online Marketplaces Need to Police Fake Goods

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reminding online marketplaces of the duty to ferret out fake merchandise. The agency issued a notice Tuesday (June 20) on the new Integrity, Notification and Fairness in Online...

June 20, 2023
IPO Environment Improving but Activity Lagging Behind, Goldman Says

The environment for initial public offerings (IPO) has reportedly improved to nearly its typical level. However, at the same time, the amount of IPO activity is lagging behind and not...

Walmart Vs. Amazon Whole Paycheck: Battle For The Digital-First Consumer
Amazon, Walmart Gain Q3 eCommerce Sales, But Lose Share of Total Spend  Spoiler alert: This edition of the Whole Paycheck Tracker report, the exclusive PYMNTS data dive on the claim Amazon and Walmart make on their share of the U.S. consumer’s whole paycheck, does not contain the customary exponential increases associated with these two retailers.
The Battle for Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart Q2 2022: The Discretionary Spend Play
Amazon’s Lead in Consumer Discretionary Spend Remains Unchallenged  In the clash of the retail titans, Walmart leads in grocery and personal care spend, but Amazon dominates in clothing, furniture, appliances and hobbies, the Q2 2022 edition of "The Battle For Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart" found, while also exploring ways consumers stand to gain from the rivalry.