Search results for "protests"

October 04, 2017
How Ride-Hailing Apps Disburse Payments

They’ve reigned for decades, but checks’ days atop the world of disbursements are numbered – or they should be. The inaugural PYMNTS Disbursement Satisfaction Index™, in collaboration with Ingo Money,...

September 25, 2017
Spain: Taxi drivers threaten to occupy CNMC facilities

Élite Taxi, one of Spain’s most radical groups within the transport sector, has threatened to “occupy” public administration offices in Barcelona whose responsibility is the regulation of transport. Included are...

September 18, 2017
El Salvador: Protests against pension fund ‘monopolies’

Representatives of various social organizations and unions in El Salvador rejected the “monopoly” Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the management of profits created by workers’ savings. Around 50 people protested...

June 15, 2017
US: Uber under FTC investigation

Adding to the embattled ride-hailing company’s troubles, Uber is now reportedly under investigation for privacy violations by the Federal Trade Commission. Currently it’s purely speculation exactly what has the FTC...

June 12, 2017
Bitcoin Breaks $3K

Bitcoin’s big surge continued on Sunday when the price per unit of the digital currency briefly broke the $3K mark. That figure comes care of CoinDesk’s Bitcoin Price Index —...

May 23, 2017
Argentina: Protesters gather against Bayer/Monsanto merger

Argentine environmental groups gathered in front of global seed giant Monsanto’s offices in Buenos Aires, protesting to express their concerns about the advancement of Genetically Modified (GMO) crops. This was...

April 10, 2017
Italy: Court caves to protests and bans Uber

When the Italian Parliament attempted to liberalize its licensing laws to allow greater competition for cabs, the taxi union responded by staging a week-long, often violent strike in late February....

April 03, 2017
As Trump Policies Depress Tourism, Hotels And Airlines Turn To...

Donald Trump’s immigration policies may or may not be good for America. But, the world’s biggest travel companies claimed, they are definitely bad for tourism. Dara Khosrowshahi, chief executive of...

February 14, 2017
Violent Crime In Brazil Pushes Uber To Rethink Cash Strategy

Modolo Filho was the first Uber driver to be murdered in Brazil — by two “teenagers” who had called for a ride to be paid in cash who went on to...