Search results for "liquidity"

March 24, 2017
Bitcoin’s Back Above $1,000 (For Now)

The year 2017 so far has been a pretty bumpy ride for bitcoin investors, and right now it looks like we’re ascending the latest hill in the roller coaster ride...

March 22, 2017
Is The End Here For Sears?

It looks like Sears may finally be giving up the ghost — the former retail giant warned Tuesday that it may no longer be possible to continue as a going...

March 21, 2017
Bitcoin Stabilizes After 3-Day Nosedive

Three days into what can only be termed a rout, shares of bitcoin have stabilized — if we accept the skewed maxim that one day’s trading makes a trend. Reuters noted Monday...

March 20, 2017
Looming Currency Split Drops Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin price ended last week on a rough three-day run, as a drop from around $1,100 per coin to about $950 per coin erased $2 billion in value off of...

March 20, 2017
IBM, INVICTUS Collaborating On Blockchain Procurement

Singapore-based INVICTUS is leveraging IBM technology to develop an eProcurement platform, reports said Friday (March 17). The FinTech is developing an Order, Logistics & Payment platform in an effort to disrupt...

March 18, 2017
One Honkin’, Highflying Goose – IPO

Think all IPOs are tech-driven, are based on social media and roar right out of the gate? If you nodded to only one of these statements, then it had better...

March 17, 2017
$50M In Venture Capital To Be Raised By Blockchain Capital

Although blockchain technology has seen major traction in the financial market, it’s been slow on the uptake in other industry sectors. Anyone utilizing the technology as a whole for its...

March 14, 2017
Artificial Intelligence Takes On Risk Of Invoice Non-Payments

Fear is holding back small businesses from trading internationally, according to a report from HSBC late last year. Specifically, a lack of international business knowledge and experience has small suppliers...

March 13, 2017
The SEC Sinks Bitcoin ETF Dreams (For A Bit, Coin...

By rejecting a rule change proposal, the SEC has nixed bitcoin’s debut as an exchange-traded fund, at least for now. And with the currency as a standalone entity, will virtual luster...

The Treasury Management Playbook: Mitigating Risks and Maintaining Liquidity in Times of Change

Treasurers are now setting the tone for any organization, and the highly dynamic nature of modern business means that the best ones proactively adopt rather than reactively adapt.“The Treasury Management Playbook: Mitigating Risks and Maintaining Liquidity in Times of Change,” a collaboration with Citi,