Search results for "b2b payments"

July 10, 2024
eBay Debuts Working Capital Solution for Sellers

eBay teamed with embedded finance platform Liberis to offer sellers working capital. Business Cash Advance is designed to provide eligible eBay sellers in the United States up to $1 million...

July 10, 2024
Embedded Finance Helps Business Buyers Move Commerce Online

Better product data, better browsing, transparent pricing — and the ability to click through the whole process — these are the hallmarks of consumer-facing online commerce. And, increasingly, the same...

July 10, 2024
Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to B2B Buyer-Supplier Dynamics

As the B2B landscape embraces digitization, traditional buyer-supplier dynamics are undergoing a sea of change. With news Monday (July 8) that business identity platform Niva brought to market its business...

July 10, 2024
Mastercard to Facilitate Cross-Border Payments for Medical Tourism Association

Mastercard and the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) have teamed up to modernize the medical tourism experience for patients and providers around the world.  The MTA will launch a one-stop platform called Better by...

July 09, 2024
Amazon Business App Center Adds Symbeo AP Automation Solution

Symbeo’s accounts payable (AP) automation and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled optical character recognition (OCR) solution, RapidInvoice, is now available on the Amazon Business App Center. This partnership will extend the reach...

July 09, 2024
Galileo Begins Offering Wire Transfers to FinTechs

Galileo Financial Technologies has begun offering wire transfer capabilities to FinTechs. The So-Fi-owned company announced the new offering Tuesday (July 9), saying it provides FinTechs with another option for fast and secure money...

July 09, 2024
How Businesses Leverage Working Capital Solutions to Drive Growth

In an evolving economic landscape, the ability to innovate in working capital management is crucial. And with the news Tuesday (July 9) that the latest edition of the National Federation of...

July 08, 2024
Commercial Bank of Dubai and Visa Partner on Credit, Debit...

Commercial Bank of Dubai has partnered with Visa on credit and debit cards, core data assets and insights, and marketing initiatives. These efforts are part of an exclusive multi-year strategic partnership...

July 08, 2024
Japan Ditched Floppy Disks, but Can Businesses Ditch Paper Checks?

Technological innovation moves fast, but sometimes businesses can move slowly. Or even not at all. Take for example the news from Reuters that the Japanese government officially, and finally, decided...

B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®: The Role of Business Cards in SMB Financial Management

Business cards offer numerous benefits to small businesses over other financing, including easier qualification, significantly higher credit limits, and perks such as cash back, travel and mileage-earning rewards. The latest “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®” explores why 63% of small business owners using cards as their primary startup funding attribute their success to this method of financing.

The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.