Search results for "mortgage "

November 07, 2009
Proposed CFPA Must Partner with States to Be Successful

From the perspective of local regulation and local law enforcement, the idea of a “new and improved” federal financial products regulator is generally met with skepticism. After all, the mission...

November 07, 2009
The Consumer Financial Protection Agency: Sorting the Critiques

Summary The proposal to create a new agency to police consumer financial products has been the subject of much debate Dr. Bar-Gill sorts out and evaluates the different critiques levied...

November 07, 2009
Credit Where Credit Is Due

The credit card industry has few friends at the moment. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 recently signed into law by President Obama passed the House...

November 07, 2009
The Good, the Bad and the Doubtful in Credit Card...

  You can’t get a good understanding of the true impact of the cards legislation without a broader look at the historical context. What we have seen in the industry...

October 18, 2009
What Does the Credit Card Market Have In Common with...

The credit card industry is highly concentrated.  Ninety percent of the lending market is controlled by the top 10 issuers, yet there still appears to be fierce competition for balances...

December 11, 2008
Managing the Financial Crisis in Europe: Why Competition Law is...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Damien Gerard, Dec 15, 2008 EU Competition Commissioner Kroes likes to use catchphrases to encapsulate policy statements. Since...

July 14, 2008
Antitrust and the Real Estate Industry: Looking Backwards and Forwards

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Thomas Brown, Whitney McCollum, Jul 10, 2008 Oh how times have changed. Two years ago, when one of...

Rising Housing Costs Deflate Economic Optimism
Sixty Percent of Renters Report Financial Health in Jeopardy Over High Housing Costs New data shows that twice as many renters as homeowners say that rising housing payments are having a negative impact on their financial health. This, as 18 million consumers report having given up on buying a home since January 2021 due to rising mortgage rates. Learn more in PYMNTS’ latest “Consumer Inflation Sentiment” report.