Search results for "real estate"

May 04, 2017
Cardtronics On Why Cash Still Counts

Cash is not dead, but is alive, well and maybe even gathering some momentum. In a webinar with Cardtronics execs Tom Pierce, CMO, and Brian Bailey, Managing Director for Global...

May 03, 2017
Zillow Debuts, Targeting Millennials

While the amount of money spent by first-time home buyers may cause financial concerns, purchasing a piece of property isn’t exactly getting any cheaper. With homes all over the country...

May 03, 2017
New eMarketplace iVANZi Steps Into B2B

A new online marketplace,, operated by Retail Linx, is already expanding into new territory. The company announced Tuesday (May 2) that it will launch a wholesale marketplace for B2B buyers...

May 01, 2017
Today in Data: Home Ownership on The Rise

It may be safe to say that the home ownership market is turning a significant corner. While sales have been sluggish for quite some time, new data has indicated an uptick...

May 01, 2017
VR Startups Create Entertainment Locations In Old Retail Space

Virtualities, the company that runs virtual reality theaters and arcades, has been opening up locations in strip malls and retail space that are being abandoned due to the move toward...

May 01, 2017
Airbnb Adds Business Travel Search

Airbnb just made a new move to push into the business travel sector. On the latest update of the homeshare company’s mobile app, Airbnb has added a new search function...

April 28, 2017
Uber Of X: WeGoLook Is The Uber Of Authentication

Buying items online has become a regular everyday occurrence. With access to smart devices and laptops, consumers have the ability order anything from anywhere at anytime. An issue that can arise...

April 27, 2017
Tech Center: Indianapolis Dives Into Tech

Situated between Cincinnati, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois, Indianapolis, is more than just the capital of Indiana. Over the course of the last few years, Indianapolis has slowly built up its...

April 24, 2017
Small Banks Could See Some Dodd-Frank Relief

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act was supposed to prevent another 2008 banking meltdown — and solve the problem of “too big to fail.” But as it was...

The Treasurer's Guide To AR Payment Optimization
Online Portals Bring Commercial Real Estate Payments Into the Digital Age Digital payment methods still struggle to break the grip that manual solutions have on the real estate industry. In The Treasurer’s Guide To AR Payment Optimization, a PYMNTS and CheckAlt collaboration, U.S. Bank’s David Nielson discusses how commercial real estate providers can leverage online payment portals to streamline transactions for retail, office and industrial space clients.
The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.