Search results for "real estate"

February 24, 2017
Tech Center: Los Angeles On The Brink Of Becoming Tech...

For quite some time, Silicon Valley has been the technology powerhouse of California in terms of both up-and-coming startups and big-named companies, like Google and Facebook. However, Los Angeles has...

February 22, 2017
Bulletin: A Cheaper Way To Sell In-Store

Bulletin — described as “WeWork for retail” — opened its second New York City retail space this week while also raising funds in anticipation of opening additional NYC locations as well...

February 22, 2017
Macy’s Manages An Earnings Beat — But Performance Is Still...

Though there is plenty to be concerned about in Macy’s latest round of earnings, the report was not entirely absent good news. Earnings did manage to eek out a beat...

February 17, 2017
Real Estate Startup Raises $1.2M To Expand

Buying and selling homes is never an easy process. Buyers are trying to get the best bang for their buck, and sellers are trying to get as much money as...

February 17, 2017
FinTech Partners With JPMorgan To Deliver Mortgages Digitally

Mortgage technology provider Roostify and JPMorgan Chase are teaming up to build a digital self-service mortgage platform, enabling users to upload and sign mortgage documents electronically. The platform, which will...

February 15, 2017
Uber Of X: Oomf Is The Uber Of Empowering The...

It’s safe to say the sharing economy isn’t going anywhere soon. From sharing a ride to borrowing books and taking a spin on someone else’s boat, the possibilities are endless....

February 14, 2017
Daily Data Dive: Zillow Loses $8.3M In Copyright Lawsuit

In a Seattle U.S. District Court this past Thursday, Zillow received some bad news. The online real estate giant lost an $8.3 million copyright lawsuit to VHT Inc. due to...

February 14, 2017
Zillow Loses $8.3 Million Federal Copyright Lawsuit

Real estate company Zillow was ordered this past Friday to pay out $8.3 million in a federal copyright lawsuit. In July 2015, photography and image service provider VHT filed a...

February 10, 2017
eCommerce Force Behind Canada’s Warehouse Boom

Canada’s Pure Industrial Real Estate Trust, the country’s largest multitenant industrial landlord, expects that eCommerce will make up a significant portion of its portfolio in coming years. According to a...

The Treasurer's Guide To AR Payment Optimization
Online Portals Bring Commercial Real Estate Payments Into the Digital Age Digital payment methods still struggle to break the grip that manual solutions have on the real estate industry. In The Treasurer’s Guide To AR Payment Optimization, a PYMNTS and CheckAlt collaboration, U.S. Bank’s David Nielson discusses how commercial real estate providers can leverage online payment portals to streamline transactions for retail, office and industrial space clients.
The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.