Search results for "real estate"

January 20, 2017
Some Deal-Making In Unicornland

Amid the earnings reports that are just getting started among publicly traded companies, in privately held Unicornland, activity is stirring, too, most notably on the deal-making front. In one notable...

January 20, 2017
Mall Closures Hit Small-Town America Hard

The rise in online shopping continues to have dire impacts on the traditional shopping model. As a result, announcements of mall closures and brick-and-mortar outputs shutting down have become all...

January 19, 2017
Tech Center: Microsoft In Montreal, Puerto Rico’s Entrepreneurism

Another week, another tech center making headlines for pushing the envelope on tech innovation. In this week’s Tech Center tracker, we round up the latest tech news happening around the...

January 19, 2017
Target Posts 3 Percent Decline In Sales During Nov., Dec.

The holiday season was a tough one for retailer Target, with the company reporting transaction growth was flat year over year, hurt by sales in the electronics and entertainment categories,...

January 19, 2017
The Impact Of A Weaker Dollar On Payments

Talking down the dollar seems a new strategy for a new administration.  Here’s what a weaker dollar may mean on stages large and small, from the macro to the micro...

January 18, 2017
Global: M&A deal leaks on the rise despite crackdown by...

Despite regulators’ best efforts, the upside from leaking corporate deals still appears too great to resist for some corporate advisers. According to a report being released today, the percentage of...

January 18, 2017 Mobile App To Add Augmented Reality Feature

Augmented reality came on the scene in a big way this past summer with Pokémon GO. Now, other online applications are taking advantage of the technology, showing that it has...

January 18, 2017
Are Online Merchants The Mall’s Unlikely Salvation?

One might imagine that mall operators nationwide take a rather jaundiced view of the internet, since online shopping has more or less killed the mall. But perhaps that is the...

January 16, 2017
Among Big Banks, JPMorgan Leads Battle For Deposits

The trend among some banks has been to shutter real estate — i.e., branches — amid the mindset that customers are moving away from bricks and clicks and towards online banking....

The Treasurer's Guide To AR Payment Optimization
Online Portals Bring Commercial Real Estate Payments Into the Digital Age Digital payment methods still struggle to break the grip that manual solutions have on the real estate industry. In The Treasurer’s Guide To AR Payment Optimization, a PYMNTS and CheckAlt collaboration, U.S. Bank’s David Nielson discusses how commercial real estate providers can leverage online payment portals to streamline transactions for retail, office and industrial space clients.
The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.