Search results for "real estate"

November 30, 2016
Uber Of X: DropCar, Uber Of Valet Parking And Car...

It seems as though valet parking tends to be reserved for restaurant patrons and residents of Los Angeles. While many cities may not be able to accommodate valet parking, an...

November 29, 2016
US: VTS and Hightower announce strategic merger

Two technology startups that help commercial-real-estate owners and brokers manage their businesses are merging in a $300 million deal that will create one of the largest technology firms in the...

November 28, 2016
UK: DWF to enter Northern Ireland via merger with 20-partner...

DWF is set to enter Northern Ireland through a merger with 20-partner Belfast firm C & H Jefferson. The Irish firm, which is particularly active in the insurance space as...

November 24, 2016
China Recovers Over $1.5 Billion From Ezubao

Since China launched an inquiry into Ezubao, an online lending platform, it has recovered more than $1.5 billion of illegal assets. Reuters, citing the official Xinhua news agency, reported Beijing...

November 23, 2016
Reality Of Realty Procure-To-Pay

Real estate companies need to ditch the paper across far-flung operations. Brian Zrimsek of MRI Software, which targets this industry, explains why this space has struggled automating procure-to-pay and what...

November 21, 2016
Why Banks Reach For The Unprofitable, Demanding SME

The dominating narrative in small business lending is the rise in alternative finance to fill the gaps left behind by traditional banks. Even so, FinTech innovators aren’t ignoring traditional FIs,...

November 18, 2016
PeerStreet Raises $15 Million In VC Funding Led By Andreessen...

PeerStreet, the financial technology startup, raised $15 million in a venture capital funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz. According to a report, as part of the round of funding, Andreessen Horowitz...

November 18, 2016
Nexus Pulls AP Tech Into Real Estate

Nexus Systems is partnering with a real estate technology company to help the industry adapt to more sophisticated accounts payable and procurement processes. Reports Thursday (Nov. 17) said Nexus is...

November 16, 2016
The Property Manager’s Worst Enemy

Property managers may have finally met their match — maker. Sean Heiney, founder and CEO of, tells Karen Webster and David Evans in this week’s The Matchmaker Is In...

The Treasurer's Guide To AR Payment Optimization
Online Portals Bring Commercial Real Estate Payments Into the Digital Age Digital payment methods still struggle to break the grip that manual solutions have on the real estate industry. In The Treasurer’s Guide To AR Payment Optimization, a PYMNTS and CheckAlt collaboration, U.S. Bank’s David Nielson discusses how commercial real estate providers can leverage online payment portals to streamline transactions for retail, office and industrial space clients.
The State of Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.